BioRevitalization Treatment
“No Peel Chemical Peel”
Results shown in these images are not guaranteed and may vary for each individual. Please consult with one of our licensed professionals for personalized advice and expectations.
Are you looking for the perfect solution to improving your skin with no downtime?
PRX-T®33 is a needle-free treatment classified as the next generation of anti-aging. It is designed with active ingredients that contribute to cell renewal and stimulate the skin’s own growth factors, which together improves skin quality and appearance- youthful, tight and smooth. The skin regenerates itself with little to no downtown time and instant results!
What is PRX-T33 BioRevitalization?
PRX-T®33 is a non-injectable biorevitalizer that induces dermal bio-stimulation without harming the skin. It is an improved formula of a trichloracetic acid (TCA) peel which in result stimulates regeneration of the skin. It is important to note that this is NOT a chemical peel because it does not cause frost, instead it acts deep within the tissues without harming the dermis. The special formula is made of combined active ingredients of trichloroacetic acid 33%, Hydrogen peroxide, and Kojic acid. All together effectively cleans out pores from accumulated cosmetics, micro particles of dirt and destroys pathogenic bacteria to fill skin cells with pure oxygen which increases the sensitivity of receptors for collagen regeneration.
What does PRX-T33 treat?
Improving the appearance of the skin can look different for everyone. Your skin is unique to you and we want to help you treat:
- Hyperpigmentation
- Sign of aging
- Loose, sagging skin
- Sun damaged skin (face, neck, chest, hands, arms)
- Scars
- Melasma
- Acne
- Stretch marks
- Advanced prevention of dermal aging
What can I expect from PRX-T33?
AMAZING results – Immediately! This treatment requires no downtime and patients notice their skin tighter and smoother almost instantly! It really works like magic and has the added benefit of long-term tightening and lifting as the collagen cells are stimulated, resulting in firm, taut, and healthy-looking skin.
Visible skin benefits — reduces:
- Pore size
- Appearance of wrinkles and fine lines
- Scarring size and depth
- Red stretch marks
- Crepe skin – smooths and tightens
- Diminishes age spots, hyperpigmentation, melasma
- Tightens skin
How many treatments will I need?
4-5 treatments are recommended for best results, which can be permanent depending on the treatment area and/or severity. Each treatment builds upon the last. Treatment sessions take place every 7-10 days. A consultation is recommended to determine the best treatment plan for you.